Web security resources
General resources
- PortSwigger's web appliction hacker's handbook
- ngalongc's bug bounty reference
- great blog with lots of bug bounty writeups
- Twilio's HTTP headers for the responsible developer
- Everything you need to know about HTTP security headers
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) / Cross-Site Script Inclusion (XSSI)
- Stack Overflow - what is XSSI?
- Cross-site script inclusion: A fameless but widespread web vulnerability class
CSS Injections
Open redirects
- Stack Overflow - URL fragment and 302 redirects
- Login CSRF + open redirect = account take over
- OWASP - unvalidated redirects and forwards cheat sheet
- PayloadsAllTheThings - Open URL redirection
- Authentication bypass on Airbnb via OAuth tokens theft